Ex-Offender and National Speaker Allison T Moore Uses National Chicken Soup For The Soul Day-November 12- to Move Others From Gloom to Gratitude Just in Time for The Holidays


Studies show that a compound found in chicken soup –carnosine– helped the body’s immune system to fight the early stages of flu but the benefit ended as soon as the soup was excreted by the body, so that means you may need to have a fairly constant supply. Similarly practicing gratitude had the same effects.


“Life is full of meaningless experiences-until we give it life with the meaning we attach to it. I say attach gratitude” — Allison T Moore .

“Shocked by my own attitude, I lay on my bottom bunk and stare at my surroundings: my cramped living quarters, my pictures fixed to the cabinet with toothpaste, my bar of bright yellow state issued hand soap that rests on a sanitary napkin wrapped in light pink as my soap dish.  The cluttered stainless steel table and stools hold borrows books, Chicken Soup for the Prisoners Soul, and a Bible. My brown cardboard box with a lid, marked Allison Butler OL8397, contains all I own, all someone else decided I could possess, limiting what I can take with me from one place to another. Anything I can’t fit into that box, I can’t have.” 

I know what it feels like to need a Chicken Soup For The Soul Day. Excerpt from I Was I Am~ How To Move Beyond Your Past to Create an Extraordinary Life by Allison T Moore

Allison T Moore always knew she’d write her life story someday. But she always felt that the “thing” she really wanted to write about, hadn’t happened yet.  Then it happened. In April 2007, she was declared a habitual offender and sentenced to seven years in prison. The process of practicing gratitude served as an 18-month therapy session, while serving her minimum sentence. She read the “Chicken Soup for the Prisoners Soul“,  and decided to write the Co-Author Tom Lagana. He and his wife wrote Allison faithfully and that feeling of gratitude moved her to action. The holidays in prison were some of the most difficult for Allison, so practicing gratitude and contributing to others in some small way helped keep her out of a constant state of depression.  She later became a contributing author in his book “Serving Productive Time”.  Allison has regained control, experienced success, shows others how to view obstacles as an opportunity and how constant gratitude can transform their lives. She provides guidelines for those who struggle with being hindered by their past, using gratitude as a mental chicken soup for the soul, similar to the scientific benefits of the chicken soup meal. 

Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield came up with the now famous title, with Jack thinking of  his grandmother’s chicken soup and remembered how she told him it would cure anything. He believed the book would have the same healing powers as that soup, but not for the body—for the soul. It synonymous with comfort, compassion, contribution.


Practicing gratitude has a host of emotional and physical benefits that can enrich your life. These benefits have been both physical and emotional. Typical physical benefits include enhanced immune function, improved cardio-vascular function, fewer doctor visits, improved lung function for asthma suffers, decreased arthritis pain and symptoms, better sleep and decreased pain for cancer patients, improved liver function for heavy drinkers, and higher white cell levels in AIDS patients.


Emotional benefits include increased happiness, sense of well-being, and satisfaction with life, decreased worry, anxiety and depression, more self-confidence, smoother relationships and better problem solving.  ”Often a deliberate focus on gratitude and making a contribution, as opposed to focus on what you need and don’t have, can help provide a purpose in difficult experiences”, says Allison.  The process allows you to reach out and share those experiences with others. In Psychology Today it reports that “Gratitude is what gets poured into the glass to make it half full. Studies show that gratitude not only can be deliberately cultivated but can increase levels of well-being and happiness among those who  do cultivate it.  In addition, grateful thinking—and especially expression of it to others—is associated with increased levels of energy, optimism, and empathy”.

Allison knows how difficult the holidays can be for women who have lost loved ones, recently experienced a breakup or divorce, have family across the miles or experiencing financial difficulty. She is in expert in transformational coaching and wants to help change the lives of even the most successful women.

ImageIn honor of the National Chicken Soup For The Soul Holiday,  Allison will be offering complementary assessments and providing 1 Free coaching session, to women who sign up in November.


For more information contact Allison Moore 302-482-5938 http://www.allisontmoore.com  iwasiam@allisontmoore.com