An Extraordinary Future: The Choice is Yours

Extraordinary quote

How many times have you told yourself that you would commit to something and then a day or two later, do the exact opposite? When was the last time that you let someone down or did something that you felt shame about?

If you are tired of breaking promises to yourself and then beating yourself up and feeling bad about yourself later, it is time to learn about what is controlling your choices and creating your life.

Right now, your self imposed prison — your shame, your fear, your magical thinking, your insecurity — lurk in your unconscious and tell you what you can and cannot do, what you should eat, when you should or shouldn’t exercise, how much money you can make or save, or how fulfilling or unfulfilling your relationships can be. Right now, your prison tells you how much success you will experience, how much joy, happiness and fun you will have or how much silent suffering you will endure, even if you have a great big smile on your face. But you DON’T have to allow your prison to be in control of your life. You DON’T have to tolerate this anymore. Today is the day to say “No more!”

And that is what it all comes down to…choices!

You are an adult who is making thousands of choices each day about your life. You don’t have to allow your prisoner thoughts to be in control of your life. Instead, you can choose to shine the light on your darkness and get into the presence of your goals, dreams, and desires. You can choose to envision a new future and ensure that the choices you are making are moving you in the direction of your dreams.

We must learn that our present is a result of the choices we made yesterday, and our future will be determined by the choices we make today. Do you want to live an extraordinary future? The choice is yours and it starts today!

Transformational Action Steps

1) Make a list of two goals that you are committed to reaching.

2) Ask yourself, “Are the choices I made this week moving me in the direction of these goals?”

3) If not, identify the part of you that has been driving your decisions. Who is driving? Who is making the choices? Is it your wounded self? Is it the part of you that worries what your partner will think? Is it the part of you that wants to ensure your peers like you and approve of you? How long have they been in the driver’s seat? And how much longer will you give them the wheel?

4) Set a strong boundary with this part of you by letting them know that you are now taking control, that you are going to protect yourself and that they can no longer drive. In other words, revoke their driver’s license. How? Write it down. Create a positive statement and put it up where you can see it daily. Create your future now.

5) When we are driving, we have the ability to push on the gas pedal. Take one action this week that proves you are in the driver’s seat.

6) Sign up for Prison Break Group Coaching Experience Accomplish Something Extraordinary, a life-altering course you can do from the comfort of your own home starting Tuesday, March 10th. In Accomplish Something Extraordinary, you will be coached in a group setting to awaken to the power of the choices you are making in each and every area of your life. You will be guided to discover where your self imposed prison is in control. By shedding light on what lies at the root of your choices, you will be able to make new choices — choices that empower you, inspire you, and propel you into an extraordinary future.

I can tell you that the transformation I’ve experienced is ultimately because of the choices I’ve made. This same transformation can be yours. I promise you that when you join us on this journey of Accomplish Something Extraordinary, you will be able to powerfully use your voice and begin to feel worthy of everything the universe is waiting to deliver to you.

The time is now.

The choice is yours.

With love,

Your Prison Break Coach

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