Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: Midlife Triumphs for Professional Women

Embracing Experience and Expertise

Midlife brings with it a wealth of experience and expertise. Professional women at this stage have likely navigated various career terrains, honing their skills and accumulating valuable insights. Embracing this wealth of knowledge positions them as seasoned leaders, capable of offering strategic perspectives that can shatter the glass ceiling.

Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Midlife professionals, having weathered numerous challenges, develop a remarkable resilience. This resilience becomes a powerful tool for breaking through barriers. Whether facing workplace biases or navigating intricate corporate landscapes, the ability to bounce back from setbacks is a distinctive strength that propels midlife women toward success.

Building a Supportive Network

One key to overcoming the glass ceiling is cultivating a supportive network. Midlife women can leverage their extensive professional connections, fostering mentorship and collaboration. Building alliances within and outside their organizations creates a robust support system, empowering them to break through barriers collectively.

Embracing Continuous Learning

In a rapidly evolving professional landscape, midlife professionals who embrace continuous learning stay ahead of the curve. This commitment to staying informed about industry trends and acquiring new skills not only enhances their professional value but also challenges stereotypes about midlife professionals being resistant to change.

Redefining Success on Their Terms

Breaking through the glass ceiling involves redefining success on individual terms. Midlife professionals may prioritize work-life balance, job satisfaction, or mentorship over traditional notions of climbing the corporate ladder. This shift in perspective allows women to carve unique paths, challenging systemic barriers in the process.

Leading with Authenticity

Authentic leadership is a formidable force in dismantling the glass ceiling. Midlife women, drawing on their experiences, can lead authentically by bringing their whole selves to the table. This genuine approach not only fosters a more inclusive workplace culture but also inspires others to break through their own barriers.

Fostering Diversity and Inclusion

Midlife female professionals are well-positioned to champion diversity and inclusion initiatives. By advocating for equitable practices and policies within their organizations, they contribute to dismantling systemic barriers that perpetuate the glass ceiling. This commitment creates an environment where talent rises based on merit rather than gender.

In conclusion, breaking through the glass ceiling as a midlife female professional involves leveraging experience, resilience, and a commitment to continuous growth. By building supportive networks, embracing individual definitions of success, leading authentically, and championing diversity, midlife women can not only break through barriers themselves but also pave the way for the generations that follow. The glass ceiling, though persistent, is not impervious to the strength and determination of midlife female professionals on a mission to achieve new heights.

Hugs & High Fives, Allie💛

Breaking Through: Hanging Out with Those Who Shape Your Future, Not Your Past

In the journey of personal and professional growth, the people you surround yourself with can make all the difference. As the saying goes, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” So, if you’re aiming to level up in your career and life, it’s essential to hang out with those who fit your future, not your history.

Networking Strategies for Success

  1. Purpose-Driven Networking

Instead of attending networking events aimlessly, approach them with a clear purpose. Identify your goals, whether it’s finding a mentor, seeking career opportunities, or learning from industry experts. This focused approach will help you connect with like-minded individuals who can guide you towards your aspirations.

  1. Diverse Connections

Diversity in your network can provide fresh perspectives and opportunities you might not have considered. Engage with people from various industries, backgrounds, and experiences. This diversity can spark innovation and broaden your horizons.

  1. Quality Over Quantity

It’s not about the number of connections you have but the quality of those relationships. Invest time in nurturing and maintaining meaningful connections. Building trust and rapport with a few key individuals can be more beneficial than collecting a large number of superficial contacts.

  1. Giving Back

Networking isn’t just about what you can gain; it’s also about what you can give. Be generous with your knowledge, time, and support. Helping others succeed can lead to reciprocal relationships that are mutually beneficial.

Building Professional Connections

  1. Be Authentic

Authenticity is the cornerstone of strong professional relationships. Be genuine, honest, and true to yourself when interacting with others. People appreciate authenticity and are more likely to trust and connect with you.

  1. Listen Actively

Effective communication involves not only talking but also listening actively. Show a genuine interest in what others have to say. Ask questions, seek to understand, and remember details about their interests and goals.

  1. Networking Etiquette

Follow proper networking etiquette. This includes being punctual, respecting people’s time, and following up after meetings or events. A simple thank-you email or message can go a long way in building a positive impression.

Hanging Out with Inspirational People

Surrounding yourself with individuals who inspire and challenge you is a powerful way to push your boundaries. Seek out mentors, role models, and peers who motivate you to be your best self. Here’s why it matters:

  1. Continuous Learning

Being around inspiring people can motivate you to learn and grow. They often possess valuable knowledge and experiences that you can tap into.

  1. Accountability

Inspirational individuals hold you accountable for your goals and ambitions. Their drive and success can push you to strive for more and stay committed to your aspirations.

  1. Expanding Your Horizons

By spending time with those who have achieved what you aim for, you’ll start thinking bigger. Your vision and ambitions will expand, leading to greater opportunities.


In the world of networking and building professional connections, it’s not about who you know, but who you become through those connections. Make a conscious effort to network with purpose, nurture meaningful relationships, and hang out with people who inspire you to reach for new heights. Your future self will thank you for it. 🚀 #Networking #ProfessionalConnections #LevelUp

Unlocking Potential: The Correlations Between Physical and Mental Prisons

Within the realm of personal development and growth, the notions of imprisonment and liberation carry profound significance. While physical incarceration and mental constraint may seem worlds apart, they share fascinating parallels. Both scenarios entail a sense of confinement, a yearning for breakthrough, and the potential for transformative personal growth. In this article, we delve into the compelling correlations between physical and mental prisons, illuminating the universal human pursuit of self-realization and empowerment.

1.  Overcoming Personal Barriers

Physical Prison: Physical prisons are distinguished by tangible walls, iron bars, and strict boundaries that restrict individuals’ physical freedom.

Mental Prison: In the world of mental confinement, imagine Sarah, a professional with immense potential. However, self-doubt and imposter syndrome form invisible walls around her. She hesitates to pursue leadership roles, convinced she’s not capable.

Commonality: In both physical and mental contexts, there exists a form of personal constriction, whether in the material world or within the boundaries of our own psyche.

2.  Confronting Perceived Helplessness

Physical Prison: Inmates in physical prisons frequently grapple with a profound sense of helplessness, with the prospect of freedom appearing remote and unattainable.

Mental Prison: Now, consider Mark, who battles anxiety and depression. He often feels trapped within his own mind, believing he can’t achieve his career goals due to his mental health challenges.

Commonality: Whether physical or mental, both forms of imprisonment can foster a sense of hopelessness, hindering the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement.

3.  The Key to Self-Liberation

Physical Prison: Breaking free from a physical prison often necessitates external interventions, such as legal proceedings, parole, or the involvement of others in the process.

Mental Prison: In contrast, escaping a mental prison hinges on an internal shift—an awakening of mindset or perspective. Mark’s breakthrough came when he sought therapy, which helped him reframe his thoughts and develop coping strategies.

Commonality: While the paths to liberation may diverge, both physical and mental prisons require proactive steps or catalytic events to initiate the journey toward personal growth.

4.  Transformation and Professional Resilience

Physical Prison: Individuals who have experienced physical incarceration may emerge from their confinement with renewed purpose and resilience, having undergone a profound transformation.

Mental Prison: Mark’s story exemplifies this transformation. As he worked on his mental health, he not only achieved his career goals but also became an advocate for mental wellness in the workplace.

Commonality: In both cases, the path to freedom can be transformative, offering opportunities for personal and professional development.


The parallels between physical and mental imprisonment serve as a poignant reminder of the human capacity to confront constraints and seek personal growth. While the circumstances and methods of liberation may vary, the shared experiences of constriction, perceived helplessness, and ultimate self-realization underscore the universal human pursuit of self-improvement. Whether it’s dismantling tangible walls or overcoming internal barriers, the human spirit thrives on determination and hope, leading to remarkable personal and professional growth.

I encourage you to share your own experiences or thoughts on this topic. Have you faced mental barriers in your career journey? What breakthroughs have you achieved? Let’s foster a community of support and growth by sharing our stories and insights. Together, we can inspire others to break free from their own mental prisons and unlock their full potential.
Love Allie💛

Why Women Struggle With Feeling Worthy

As a NLP Practitioner, life coach and advocate for women’s empowerment, I conduct surveys to better understand the challenges that women face in their personal and professional lives. One particular survey that I have conducted in my program aims to identify the key areas where women struggle the most. Interestingly, the majority of respondents have indicated that they struggle with feeling worthy of good things.

This finding is significant because it highlights a common issue that many women face – a lack of self-worth and confidence in their abilities and potential. When women don’t feel worthy of good things, they are less likely to pursue their goals and dreams, and may even self-sabotage their own success.

But why do so many women struggle with this issue? One possible explanation is societal conditioning. From a young age, girls are often taught to be modest and humble, and to put others’ needs before their own. While these are admirable traits, they can also lead to a lack of self-esteem and a belief that one’s own needs and desires are not important.

Another factor that may contribute to this issue is the prevalence of imposter syndrome – a feeling of inadequacy despite evidence of one’s competence and accomplishments. Women, in particular, may be more susceptible to imposter syndrome due to the gender stereotypes and biases that still exist in many workplaces and industries.

So, how can we address this issue and help women overcome their feelings of unworthiness? One potential solution is to promote self-care and self-compassion. By practicing self-care and prioritizing their own needs, women can begin to recognize their inherent worth and value.

Another strategy is to encourage women to seek out mentors and role models who can provide guidance and support. Seeing other women who have succeeded in their chosen fields can help to dispel feelings of imposter syndrome and inspire confidence in one’s own abilities.

Ultimately, it is important for women to recognize that they are worthy of good things, and to take active steps to pursue their goals and dreams. By doing so, they can become the person that they were created to be – confident, capable, and empowered.

Breakthrough What’s Blocking Happiness in Your Life

Happiness is a choice. It’s true. You can choose to let life’s circumstances get you down or you can choose to be happy no matter what challenges life brings.

Happiness is already within each of us and we are born to be naturally happy! For example, have you ever noticed how infectious a baby’s giggle is? So why is it that, as we get older, we forget where to find happiness within ourselves and, instead,allow outside forces to determine our happiness?

You can determine your own happiness by following these simple strategies:

• When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Cliché, I know, however it’s so true. You don’t have to let life’s troubles and problems get you down. Yes, there will always be troubles because no one is perfect, but you can chooseyour reaction to situations. Look at the positive side of things and work hard to see the good in people and circumstances.

• Find something you love to do and do it. Do you have a lifelong dream or desire? If so, start working toward it. Taking baby steps towards a dream or goal will help you feel like you’re accomplishing something. You’ll find drive and determination to reach that goal when it’s something you love to do.

• Do you have a gift or talent you’re not using? One reason so many people are unhappy is that they’re not doing what they’re called to do with their God-given talents. Each and every one of us has a purpose in life. You have natural gifts and talents to help you achieve your purpose, so use your gifts effectively! 

• When youre feeling down, dont wallow in your sorrows alone; do something about it. Call a friend who you know is positive and cheerful. Talk about your feelings and listen to their advice. So often, people allow themselves to go deeper and deeper into self-pity or depression because they think it has to be that way. The truth is, you don’t have to be sad and you shouldn’t be. You can decide to be happy. Youjust have to make up your minds to do so.

• Think about all the things you have to be thankful for.Often you get so caught up in what’s wrong with your life that you forget to look at what’s right and good. Take a step back and reflect on your life. How far have you come from,say, six months ago? 

o Do you have children or family to be thankful for? Yes, they may not be everything we’d like them to be, but imagine life without them. Now, be thankful that you have them in your life. 

o Do you have a job? Maybe it’s not your dream job, but in today’s economy, those of us who have a job should be thankful for it.

• When youre feeling down, journal your thoughts and feelings. Often you’ll find that just getting your feelings down on paper will allow you to work through them, helping you to feel better about yourself and your beautiful life!

If you’ve been prone to look at life negatively, then you’ll have to put more effort into seeing and choosing happiness. But don’t let that stop you from being happy! You, too, can learn to be happy.

Practice the steps above and train your mind to focus intensely on the positives. When you feel a negative thought coming on, or your mind gravitates toward the negative, learn to recognize it, stop it in its tracks, and then start thinking happier thoughts.

Starting from this moment onward, make the conscious choice to be happy!

Feeling Like You’ve Lost Faith?

What do you do when you feel you are losing your faith?

Experiencing adversities that accompany everyday life can often feel as if you are losing your faith. It’s not only a loss of faith in God, but you might also feel a loss of faith in humanity, loved ones, or even in yourself at times.

You may feel like you’ve lost your faith when you are dealing with:

Many people have feelings like this, especially when it feels like you have absolutely no control or have seemingly lost control over what is going on in your life and the world around you. Being consumed by all things uncertain (pretty much everything) is the time that faith is needed most but also when it feels like it’s the most difficult to grasp. It sure is easier to have faith when everything is going well but undoubtedly more challenging when they are not.

That is why it is important for us to recognize when we start having these feelings and work towards reestablishing or holding on to our faith, especially during troubling times.
If you feel like you’re losing your faith here’s 6 things you can do.

acknowledge and accept what you feel

pray and meditate

express gratitude

consider counseling

engage in acts of kindness

take a break

Try not to judge or dismiss feelings, but also don’t dwell on them. Reconnect with yourself and your core belief in God. Trust that you will be guided to navigate the challenge.

Love Allie 💛

5 Ways that People Pleasing Tendencies are Harmful to Your Mental Health

People pleasing tends to be a very common problem, one that is wrought with insecurity and fear. People pleasers tend to sacrifice their own wants, needs and opinions, ensuring that others will approve and like them.  When you neglect yourself in this way and live in constant fear of what others think, it not only drains you physically, but it takes a serious toll on your mental health. Here are 5 ways that your mental health will suffer as you attempt to people please your way through life. 

1. High Stress: As a people pleaser, your inability to say no will have you adding even more activities and tasks (that you don’t want to do) to your already busy plate. This could mean taking on more responsibility at work or simply saying yes to a night out when you’d rather stay in. Either way, consistently putting others first and your own wants and needs last will eventually send your stress level off the charts. Instead of saying yes to a whole bunch of things you don’t want, decide what makes YOU happy and say yes to that instead. 

2. Depression: When you put your all into making everyone else happy, you aren’t being true to yourself. Your wants, needs, likes, opinions – all of that goes out the window as you try to edit yourself to “fit” whoever it is you’re trying to please. It’s extremely stressful to put on a show, keep up appearances and give 110% of yourself to someone else because you feel as if you need their approval. This makes it very easy to slip into depression and loneliness because you neglect who and what really matters – YOU. 

3. Resentment: When you spend most of your time caring for and pleasing others, without getting much in return, a huge load of resentment will start to set in. On the surface you will be full of smiles and yes’s, however behind closed doors it will be a different story. You’ll start to resent yourself for giving so much and also resent others for not caring enough to return the favor. If you don’t change course, this is a dead-end road that will lead to frustration, discontent and unhappiness. 

4. Losing Yourself: As you focus more on pleasing other people, you begin to sacrifice your own identity, losing who you really are. Changing yourself to fit in for the approval of others, causes you to stop walking your own path and take theirs instead. This leads to an internal battle that leaves you feeling drained, frustrated and uncertain about who you are and what you want. It will also impact your close relationships because you spend so much time placing your energy in the wrong corner.  

5. Anxiety: The longer you put the needs of others front and center, the more anxiety you’re going to have. If you are a chronic people pleaser, you tend to worry constantly about being good enough, fitting in and being accepted by those around them. For this reason, your imperfections and mistakes are magnified at all times and you become your own worst critic. This alone can cause your anxiety to go through the roof because you feel like you don’t measure up to the image that everyone expects. 

People pleasing can have a serious impact on your mental health and will keep you stuck in a vicious cycle of anxiety and depression. Rather than looking for approval from everyone else, start searching inward and give yourself some of the love and energy you’ve been doling out to everyone else.   

Love Allie💛

14 Intrinsic Motivation Secrets for Making Everything Better

Scientists, teachers, and business leaders have spent a lot of time trying to find more effective ways to motivate people. However, one thing is certain. Intrinsic motivation works better than external pressure.

Take a look at how to tap into inner sources of inspiration and where to apply them.

How to Use Intrinsic Motivation

  1. Ask questions. Ask yourself what you would do if you were not getting paid or receiving any direct compensation. Think about the activities that spark your interest and provide gratification.

  2. Set meaningful goals. This line of questioning can help you identify your purpose. With your objectives in mind, you can set priorities and focus on what’s important.

  3. Challenge yourself. Aim for targets that are ambitious, without being impossible. Tasks that are too easy tend to become boring. On the other hand, it’s difficult to pursue a dream that seems too far out of reach.

  4. Give yourself choices. We all like to feel some sense of control. Build a degree of flexibility into your plans. If you’re trying to practice your French, you may want to watch a foreign movie on the days you get tired of grammar drills.

  5. Search for relevance. Even the most tedious tasks become more meaningful if you can relate them to your values. Pulling up weeds in your back yard reinforces your patience.

  6. Stimulate your curiosity. Fire yourself up by taking a fresh look at your surroundings. Spend time outdoors appreciating nature. Spend time playing with your children and pets. Ask a librarian to suggest books about a topic you’ve been curious about.

  7. Accept impurities. Experts debate whether or not human motivation can be completely intrinsic. Even if you secretly want a little public recognition, it’s still valuable to take pleasure in virtuous actions for their own sake.

  8. Limit material rewards. Studies show that external payoffs can make things less appealing, even if we liked doing them in the first place. Delight in supporting a fundraiser for your local animal shelter, regardless of whether you win a raffle prize. While material rewards are nice, the internal reward is what counts.

  9. Provide information. Then again, a recent study found that causal information is an effective reward. Boost your motivation by digging up more information about a project. Practical data has the biggest impact.

Where to Apply Intrinsic Motivation

  1. Focus on learning. Many teachers and parents struggle to get kids interested in learning, as opposed to just getting good grades. As an adult, you can attend museum lectures, read classic novels, and conduct your own science experiments without worrying about final exams.

  2. Forget about pay day. Make a list of the benefits your job provides that go beyond your salary, benefits, and medical insurance plan. Post it somewhere where you can see it, and remind yourself of why you chose your line of work.

  3. Get a hobby. Put your leisure time to good use. Pursue your interests and cultivate your creativity. You may discover more about yourself while you’re playing the violin or tending to your vegetable garden.

  4. Think about others. Transform your relationships by emphasizing what you can give to others. Be willing to let your mother-in-law win an argument. Switch shifts with a coworker when she needs to take the afternoon off. They’ll be more likely to return the favor.

  5. Value yourself. Consider how everything you do contributes to your self-esteem. Choose actions that honor your true worth.

Looking inside yourself for encouragement will make you feel happier and more accomplished. Rely on intrinsic motivation to move ahead in life.

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The Best Things You Can Do When You Feel Demotivated

We know that self-motivation is vital for work. There’s a good chance we can keep going despite trials with high motivation levels. But life gets in the way.

Unexpected events cross us every day. And depending on how we react to them, these events can throw us off balance.

It’s even more so now that many people find themselves working from home. With zero self-motivation, you may become frustrated, unproductive, and ineffective.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to avoid this. For example, you can schedule your daily work tasks according to your calendar. Additionally, you can manage your day. If you wake up late, don’t start your day with Twitter.

Instead, you can make the most of every waking moment.

Try these tips to increase your motivation:

  1. Set goals. A big reason for feelings of demotivation comes from not knowing where we want to go. Why do you wake up each morning and go to work? What would you like your life to look like in the next year or two? Why do you want your life to look that way?
  • Asking these questions helps you gain a clear objective about where you want to head. Once you have answers to these questions, you can finally set the goals that are right for you.
  1. Avoid comparing yourself to others. People know they are imperfect by nature. But they forget this when they compare themselves to others, thinking they have to perform better than everyone else. This action leads to more stress and depression.
  •  Instead of comparing yourself to others, try imagining what your life will be like when you achieve your goals. This approach can help you eliminate the endless lists and mental comparisons that hinder your progress.
  1. Wade through your struggles. Everyone has challenges in their lives, so it’s easy to have negative thoughts and emotions. Instead of abandoning your goals, try to face your problems and figure out what you can do.
  • Your challenge may feel like a huge obstacle, but giving up on your dreams is a much bigger deal.
  • Remember why you started. Recognize that results don’t come instantly. Stay motivated and keep looking toward your goal.
  1. Let your choices differ from the past. Everyone hates change. But many times, that’s what we need. You don’t have to make significant changes to your life. Instead, you can make small changes that lead to substantial results.
  • For example, someone trying to lose weight might choose to eat healthier and exercise more. Someone trying to stop smoking may think about trying a different alternative. Someone interested in starting a business may look for free ways to market their product.
  • Your results will follow your decisions, so choose wisely!
  1. Embrace your mistakes. We all make mistakes. Even if you’re doing something right, sometimes you will still make an error. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Realize that mistakes are as natural to humans as breathing.
  • Even the most successful people have made poor decisions at one time or another. And the truth is, mistakes help us to grow as we learn. They allow us to learn new skills and improve our behaviors.
  • So instead of dwelling on your mistakes, evaluate them and think about what you did well. By doing this, you will learn from your mistakes and achievements, making you more motivated in the long run!

It’s easy to feel demotivated. However, the key to staying motivated is to focus on the big picture.

While it’s true that you may never reach some goals, if you focus on the possibilities and work hard to meet them, you can still achieve your dreams no matter how difficult they may be.

Love Allie

Do Your Goals Support Your Values?

If you’re struggling to be as successful as you’d like to be, there’s a great chance that a discrepancy exists between your goals and your values. If our goals are antithetical to our values, success is all but impossible. We don’t like to behave in ways that are counter to our values. If a mismatch exists, something has to give.

If you’re forever coming up short when it comes to achieving your dreams, your values might be at odds with your goals.

Use these techniques to set goals that support your values:

  1. List your current values. Have you ever taken the time to examine your values? Most people have never given their values a second thought. This is a shame, because a person’s values guide their thinking, decisions, and actions.

● Take 30 minutes and list your values. Put them in order of their priority to you.

● Ask yourself if your behavior is aligned with your values. If there’s a mismatch, what set of values would actually represent your behavior?

● Most of us have an idealized impression of our intentions, values, and qualities.

  1. What are you trying to accomplish? What are your goals in life? What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to be wealthy? Get a six-pack? Write a screenplay? Save the whales? Build a real estate empire? The first step to any great success is to identify your objectives.
  2. How do your current values impact your goals? If your values and goals don’t match, the odds of success are dismal without something changing.

● For example, if you believe that wealthy people are fundamentally bad, you’ll never accumulate a significant amount of wealth.

● If comfort is a high priority for you, that six-pack will never materialize.

● Do you value having a lot of leisure time? A goal that requires a lot of work isn’t going to happen.

● Look at your goals and look at your values. Do your goals support those values? Do your values support your goals?

  1. What would be the perfect set of values to support your goals? Imagine you could build a person from scratch that would be perfect for accomplishing your goals. What values and qualities would they possess? How would you be different if you had these values?

● Think about the people you know that have accomplished what you want to accomplish. How would you describe them?

  1. How close can you come to matching those values? How well can you rearrange your values to match that ideal set of values? The closer you’re able to come, the greater the odds of your success.
  2. Reinforce the values that matter. Imagine that your goal is to save $20,000 for a down payment on a home. Let’s suppose that you’ve determined that you need to be someone that values saving money over spending. How can you build this value in yourself and make it a part of you?

● Prove to yourself that you’re that type of person: For example, pick up pennies you find on the ground and save them. Cut coupons. Find new ways of dealing with stress other than shopping. Save part of your income as soon as your paycheck hits your bank account.

● When you keep proving to yourself over and over again that you possess a value, those actions will build and reinforce that value.

Are your goals and values a good match? It’s important that they are. When a mismatch exists, it’s important to either alter your values or your goals. There’s only so much resistance a person can overcome. Success is much easier when your values and your intentions are highly compatible.

Love Allie